Focus in Salah
Like my previous posts talks about the importance and benefits, this one talks about how to focus.
Sometimes it's hard to focus in Salah, and this an issue for mostly everyone. However, there are things you can do to help yourself truly feel peace whilst praying.
1.Picture yourself standing in front of the Kaabah, praying with thousands of other Muslims surrounding you, all prostrating and praying towards the same Lord.
2.Imagine Kirdaman and Kaatibin (the angels on your shoulders). Whilst standing, picture your sins being piled up on your left shoulder, and your good deeds being piled up on your right shoulder as you're praying. When you go into rukuh, picture those sins on your left shoulder falling like leaves from a tree.
Remember Allah SWT's mercy for erasing your sins just for praying to him. When you go into sujud, picture your sins falling from your shoulder, like raindrops falling from the sky.
3.Pray every Salah like it is your last. You never know when Allah decides your life has come to an end, so always pray as if your life depends on it.
When praying alone, pronounce the words of Salah a little louder to help you concentrate better. You should at least be able to clearly hear your own voice during Salah. This can be effective in blocking out unnecessary thoughts and any background noise. Allah tells us in the Quran, "And offer your Salah neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between."
(Quran 17:110) Praying in a voice neither too loud nor low also gives you a sense of being in conversation with Allah.
Pray to Allah about it, to increase your focus!
Do tahajjud as well… it helps.